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Saturday, December 22, 2012

A few of the "secrets of the Psalms" are offered here are as part of a translation of Kabalistic teachings. The psalms referred to are the Psalms of David found in all regular translations of the Bible. I have not repeated the Psalms here, only giving the number for you to look up in your own personal Bible.
The Psalms have been used throughout the ages in the same way as "spells" or lucky mantras have been used. Each Psalm has been attributed a certain power according to Kabalistic teachings. Sometimes a prayer is combined with the Psalm, as well as the use of olive or some other holy oil; sometimes it is just the Psalm itself that is prayed a certain number of times while concentrating on a Holy Word. (some derivative of "God", such as "Adonai" or "Jehovah.")
These Psalms are offered freely for your information and I will add more as time and space permits. Please use them carefully and with reverence. I am not here to confirm or deny the power of what lies below, simply to supply the information that has been taught for thousands of years. Use them wisely!

Psalm for Successful Business

Psalm #8: If you wish a successful business venture or to procure the goodwill in your business transactions, you should pray this Psalm three days in succession after sundown, thinking all the while of the Holy name of Rechmial, which signifies strong and merciful God of love, grace, and mercy. After praying the Psalm #8, thinking the name Rechmial, also say the following prayer over a small quantity of olive oil: "May it please thee, Oh, Rechmial Eel, to grant that I may obtain love, grace, and favour in the eyes of men according to they holy will. Amen! Selah!"

Psalm to Stop Persecution

Psalm #11: To put a stop to persecution in all forms, pray this Psalm daily in devotion keeping constantly in mind the holy name of Pele , that all conspiracies against you may be set aside. After praying Psalm #11, close with the following prayer: "Adorable, might, and holy God Pele, with thee is advice, action, and power, and only thou canst work wonders. Turn away from me all that is evil, and protect me from the persecution of evil ones, for the sake of the Great Name Pele. Amen. Sela."

Psalm to Stop all Libel

Psalm #35: To stop all evil, slanderous libel being maliciously spread about you, pray this Psalm daily and they will cause you no evil. Use the holy name Tehom.

Psalm to Make Yourself Beloved by Your Fellow-Men

Psalm #47: If you wish to be respected, beloved, well received in any and all situations, pray this Psalm seven times daily.

Psalm to Make Your Home Lucky

Psalm #61: If you are moving into a new home, repeat this Psalm in the home, just before moving in, trusting in the name of Schaddel, and you will experience good fortune and luck in the new home. For your present home, clean from top to bottom with plain spring water, leave the home, and then return and repeat this Psalm seven days in a row.


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